Faruq Muhammad Foong
- Heriot-Watt University Malaysia Campus
- Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
External person
Huan Qi
- Zhejiang University of Technology
- Central South University
- Zhejiang University City College
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Gongyu Liu
- Key Laboratory on Green Manufacturing and Reconfigurable Manufacturing Technologies
- Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- Nottingham Ningbo China Beacons of Excellence Research and Innovation Institute
- Nottingham Ningbo China Beacons of Excellence Research and Innovation Institute
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Xinyi Wang
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Yongjie Zhao
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Xueying Jin
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Jingxian Xu
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Peng Wei
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Tunde Isaiah Toluwaloju
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Boyan Jiang
- Nottingham Ningbo China Beacons of Excellence Research and Innovation Institute
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Beichen Duan
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Anqi Gao
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Wei Su
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Guilin Yang
- CAS - Ningbo Institute of Material Technology and Engineering
- Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Robotics and Intelligent Manufacturing Equipment Technology
- University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
External person
Wensong Hu
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