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Personal profile

Personal profile

Dr. Bo Huang is an Assistant Professor in Marketing at Nottingham University Business School China. He received his PhD degree in Marketing from HEC Montréal, Canada in 2021. Dr. Huang’s research interests include consumer-technology interaction and services marketing (with a particular focus on service failure). His research work has been published in various leading marketing journals such as International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Psychology & Marketing, among others. In addition, Dr. Huang and his coauthors have presented their research at leading international conferences (e.g., AMA, ACR, SCP, and HCII) held in multiple countries including the US, Canada, Spain and Denmark. In terms of professional services, Dr. Huang has been an Ad-Hoc reviewer for a number of highly-ranked, peer-reviewed journals in the fields of marketing, business, advertising, and service.

Having pursued an academic career in France, the UK and Canada, Dr. Huang speaks fluent English and French in addition to Mandarin. The ample international experience gives him an edge in understanding the various needs of today’s diverse student population. As a passionate teacher, Dr. Huang has excellent communication skills with a proven record of student satisfaction and performance.

Research Interests

Dr. Bo Huang’s research interests lie in the intersection between consumer behavior, technology and services marketing. Specifically, he studies the impact of emerging technologies and digital platforms on services industry, consumers and society at large.

Person Types

  • Staff


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