Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus
1997 …2025

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Research Interests

Major research interests and expertise

Computational fluid dynamics:

• CFD modelling for engineering problems (Combustion, Heat Transfer, Multiphase Flow, Bubble Column, Mixing, Extrusion, Wing aerodynamics)

• Applications of the discrete vortex methods (DVM) and their improvements;

• Large eddy simulation (LES) and advanced turbulence modelling;

Multiphase flows:

• Two-way couplings between carrier fluid and dispersed phases;

• Particle and bubble dispersion in two-phase turbulent flows;

• Multiphase flow turbulence modelling;

• Bubble and particle dynamics;

• Casting process modelling (Free surface tracking, CFD modelling on liquid metal flow  and heat transfer)

• CFD and population balance modelling of gas-liquid flows in bubble column;

Energy technologies:

• Oxy fuel combustion process optimisation and control;

• CFD modelling of chemical vapour deposition process;

• Wind turbine design theory;

• Dynamical modelling of fibre-loaded flow for processing thermoplastic polymer composites;

• Process for Atmospheric Pressure Inline Production of Thin Film photovoltaics;

• Carbon dioxide (CO2) absorption and interfacial mass transfer across the falling film.

Design theory for turbomachinery:

• Aerodynamic noise mechanism and noise control of turbomachinery;

• Design of low noise and high efficiency axial and centrifugal flow fans.

Flow measurement:

• Applications of laser Doppler anemometry;

• Hot-wire anemometry.

Personal profile

Biography summary

Xiaogang Yang received his BEng in Mechanical Engineering (1982) and MSc in Engineering Thermal physics (1984) from Northeastern University. During 1985-1990, he worked as an assistant lecturer and lecturer at Northeastern University. In 1990, he came to the University of Bath and then the University of Birmingham as a visiting researcher, specialising at computational fluid dynamics (CFD). In 1992, he pursued his PhD study at the School of Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham, and was awarded a PhD in Chemical Engineering for the research on dynamical modelling and simulation of two-phase flow in 1996.

In November 1995, Dr Yang joined the Interdisciplinary Centre for Materials Processing, University of Birmingham, as a post-doctoral research fellow to work on EPSRC funded projects of filling systems for castings and advanced filling systems for castings. His main contributions include demonstrating the necessity of using off-set pouring basins for reduction of downflowing liquid metal turbulence and proposing the vortex flow runner filling system. In 2000, he moved to the University of Paisley (now the University of West Scotland) and took up a lectureship position at the Department of Mechanical Engineering. During his time at Paisley, Dr Yang made significant contributions to the systematic demonstration of effect of liquid metal flow behaviour in filling on the final mechanical strength of castings. He also made contributions to different CFD modelling methods including discrete vortex method, smooth particle dynamics and multiphase flow dynamic modelling.

In 2004, Dr Yang joined the North East Wales Institute, University of Wales (now Glyndŵr University) as a Lecturer and then Senior Lecturer in the Engineering Department and was subsequently promoted to Reader in Aero/Mechanical Engineering in 2007. At Glyndŵr, Dr Yang continued his research in various areas in addition to his commitment to intensive teaching activities and administration duties as programme leader of MSc programmes in aeronautical engineering, mechanical engineering and manufacturing. He has established strong research collaboration links with many researchers working in similar research areas. He is the founder and Editor-in-chief of International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation (IJESMS) and reviewer for more than 15 prestigious international journals.

In 2013, Dr Yang is appointed as a chair and Professor of Energy Technologies at International Doctoral Innovation Centre (IDIC), the University of Nottingham Ningbo, China (UNNC). Currently, he is deputy director of the IDIC.

Professional honours and service

“Ningbo 3315 Individual Talent”, 2015.

Member, CEng, Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), 2006 – present

Prof. Member, Institute of Cast Metal Engineers, 1996 – present

Member, Engineering Professors’ Council, UK,  2012 – present

Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation

Associate Editor of World Journal of Engineering

Reviewer for international journal

International Journal of Multiphase Flow

Chemical Engineering Science

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer

International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow

International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow

Powder Technology

The International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics

Journal of Visualiszation

Chemical Engineering Research and Design

Chemical Engineering Communications

Chemical Science & Technology


The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering

International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation

AIAA Journal

International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering

ASME Transactions – Journal of Fluid Engineering

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I have a keen interest in teaching, and I have intensively engaged variable teaching activities throughout my academic career. I have developed many modules in the institutions at which I have worked previously.

Undergraduate and Postgraduate Teaching

6.2013 –

• Fluid Mechanics (Module convenor);

• Transport Phenomena (Module convenor) ;

• Computer Modelling Techniques (Module convenor);

3.2004 – 5.2013

• Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (for MSc students, Module leader);

• Viscous Flow and Heat Transfer (for MSc students, Module leader);

• Research Design and Methods (for MSc students, Module leader);

• Advanced Aeronautical Materials (for MSc students, Module leader);

• Viscous Flow and Heat Transfer (for MSc students, Module leader);

• Advanced Materials (Module leader);

• Computer-Based Manufacturing and Analytical Tools A (Module leader);

• Computer-Based Manufacturing and Analytical Tools B (Module leader);

• Failure of Components (Module leader);

• Propulsion (Module leader);

• Engineering Mathematics 2 (Module leader);

• Thermofluid Mechanics A (Module leader);

 2.2000 – 2.2004

• Thermofluid Mechanics 1 (Module coordinator);

• Thermofluid Mechanics 2 (Module coordinator);

• Thermofluid Mechanics 3 (Module coordinator);

• Thermofluid Systems Design;

• Renewable Energy;

• Computational Fluid Dynamics (Module moderator);

• Computer Added Design (Module moderator);

• Advanced Simulation and Analysis (for MEng students).

 12.1984 – 2.1990

 Module coordinator for the following modules:

• Computational Fluid Dynamics (for PG students);

• Aerodynamics (for undergraduate students);

• Engineering Fluid Mechanics and Applications (for undergraduate students);

• Theoretical Fluid Dynamics (for undergraduate students).

• Viscous Fluid Dynamics (for PG students).

Person Types

  • Staff


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