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Personal profile

Personal profile

Dr. Wei Cai is an Assistant Professor in Accounting at Nottingham University Business School China, where his expertise in accounting is reflected through his research and teachings. Wei’s research has been published in reputable journals including International Journal of Finance & Economics, Research in International Business and Finance, Pacific Accounting Review, and Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, etc. He has presented his work at academic conferences such as AFAANZ and SARN. Wei’s research efforts have been recognized through his role as the Principal Investigator for a project supported by the Zhejiang Federation of Humanities and Social Sciences. He also serves as a peer reviewer for esteemed journals, including Energy Economics, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, and International Review of Financial Analysis, etc.

Dr. Wei Cai possesses extensive industry experience, having worked at the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and served as an auditor at RSM China. Additionally, Wei has demonstrated a deep dedication to education. His mentorship has been instrumental in leading a student team to victory at the 13th IMA Student Case Competition, where they won the National Championship.

Dr. Wei Cai bridges his academic research and teaching with practical applications, as evidenced by his articles in China Accounting News, the exclusive professional newspaper for Chinese practitioners. Wei’s professional acumen is also demonstrated by his attainment of accounting certifications including the Chinese Certified Public Accountant (CICPA), US Certified Management Accountant (CMA), Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), and Certified Practising Accountant (CPA Australia), etc.

Research Interests

  • Accounting Information Systems
  • Sustainability Accounting
  • ESG Disclosures
  • Audit Quality
  • Supply Chain
  • Corporate Finance



  • Accounting Information Systems (Y3, Module Convenor)


  • Accounting Analytics (Module Convenor)
  • Accounting Project (Module Convenor)
  • Business Planning: Taxation (Module Convenor)
  • Tax Compliance (Co-teaching)
  • Audit and Internal Control (Co-teaching)

Education/Academic qualification

PhD, Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting, University of Waikato

1 Feb 201816 May 2022

Award Date: 16 May 2022

Person Types

  • Staff


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