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Personal profile

Research Interests

Faith specialise in international water management policies, particularly in sustainable flood management and planning practices, flood risk assessment practices in the UK, Europe and East Asian coastal cities, deltas and their applications in both developed and developing countries.

Research Interests

Prof Dr Faith Ka Shun Chan is a Professor at University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC). He holds a visiting research faculty/professorship at the SUSTech, Shenzhen, and a senior research fellow position at Water@Leeds Research Institute and School of Geography, University of Leeds, UK. He specialised in sustainable flood risk management, climate adaptations and urban resilience on Asian coastal megacities. He is currently funded by the Chinese National Research Council (NSFC) as principal investigator on the RFIS awarded project on sustainable urban flood risk management and climate resilience and the international youth project on the microplastics and its impacts on urban rivers, he also involved in two international research projects as a researcher in the Blue-Green Cities Consortium (funded by ESPRC and British Academy from the UK Research Council) and co-investigating in the flood risk and commercial properties (funded by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)) project. He is also a Principal Investigator on three municipal-funded projects to investigate the surface water quality, typhoon-enhanced flood risk, and the development of a “Sponge City” pilot study in Ningbo, the total funding he awarded has been over 2 million RMB. His “Sponge City” paper in the Land Use Policy received the top cited notification in 2020. He currently has published 2 books and more than 50 publications in top tier international peer-reviewed journals (located at JCR Q1 and CAS Q1 and Q2) such as Nature, Nature Reviews of Earth and Environment, One Earth, Nature Ecology and Evolution, Cell Reports Sustainability, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Journal of Cleaner Production, Science of Total Environment, Critical Review of Environmental Science and Technology, Environmental Science and Policy, Journal of Hydrology, Land Use Policy, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Flood Risk Management, Progress in Planning, Applied Geography, Nature Hazards, International Journal of Water Resources Management, etc., conference proceedings, book chapters and other articles. He has got a broad academic and life experiences from New Zealand (BSc Auckland), Europe (MSc Bonn, Germany) and UK (PhD Leeds) - all QS top 100 ranked in his studied areas. He is currently working at University of Nottingham Ningbo China and aims to work actively on urban resilience, sustainable flood risk management (e.g. Sponge City and Blue-Green Infrastructure), water resources management, planning and policies, and climate change adaptations in the Asia-Pacific region.

Expertise summary

Faith has got more than 18 years teaching experience in Universities, since my academic career started in 2006, as appointed as a research teaching associate at School of Geography in Leeds. Through these years, I have completed the ULTA-1 teaching certificate course (University of Leeds) in 2008, the PGCHE certificate course (University of Nottingham) in 2015, and accredited as a teaching associate in the UK Higher Education Academy (UKHEA) since 2008.

Otherwise, I am heavily involved with the Water@Leeds research group and currently chair of the Delta group. I have also been involved as a chair of the Water@Leeds postgraduate forum from 2008 – 2011.


I have a keen interest in teaching, and I have gained the teaching associate qualification of the Higher Education Academy in the United Kingdom. I have been involved with physical and human geography and environmental science undergraduate and master modules in the School of Geography, the University of Leeds before the current spell at UNNC. Currently, I have been involved with a variety of teaching activities, such as large and small lectures, field trip course, laboratory classes and pastoral tutorial roles in the UNNC as follow:


Current taught at University of Nottingham at UK and Ningbo campuses – School of Geography (UNUK) and School of Geographical Sciences, University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC):



Level(postgraduate   PG or undergraduate UG)

Role in Module

Lakes and Catchments in the Anthropocene (F84235 UK)

MSc module (PG)

Delivering one lecture (on-line) for   the Nottingham UK campus

Global Environmental Processes (EJ1GEP)

Level One (UG)


Convening   this module and responsible for all lecturing duties (giving 16 lectures and organise all field and laboratory teaching   activities). 

Soil   Science (EJ2SOS)

Level Two (UG)

Designed and Convening this module and   responsible for all lecturing duties (giving 8 lectures and organise all   field and laboratory teaching activities).

Management   of Freshwater and Coastal System (EJ3MFC)


Level   Three (UG)

Designed and convening this module (2 semesters)   and responsible for all lecture duties (giving 22 lectures and organise all   fieldwork and projects).

Dissertation preparation and study (EJ2DIP and EJ3DIS)

Level Two   and Three (UG)

Supervising   undergraduate students for the dissertation projects.

Environmental   Science Dissertation (EJ1ESD)

Level One   (UG)

Pastoral   tutoring research methodology in   geography, developing UG student’s academic writing skills on a minor   dissertation report (5000words).

Environmental   Science Tutorial (EJ1TUT)

Level One   (UG)

Delivering   two lectures and one workshop on academic presentation skills

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation
  • SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
  • SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • SDG 13 - Climate Action

External positions

Associate Editorship, Elsevier


  • Geography
  • Urban and Rural Planning

Person Types

  • Staff


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