Dr Xiuzhi Liu

Associate Professor in Translation Studies (Mandarin & English)

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Personal profile

Personal profile

I joined the University of Nottingham Ningbo in 2008. Prior to that, I taught at Beijing University of Technology as associate professor (Head of Department between 2007 and 2008). Upon joining the university, I set up the MA Programme in Translation and Interpreting from scratch together with colleagues and acted as coordinator of the programme from 2008-2014.  

My research interest mainly focuses on sociocultural meanings of translation, media translation studies in particular. I have published extensively in areas such as media, mobile and cultural studies. My newly published book in 2019 News Framing through English-Chinese Translation: A comparative study of Chinese and English media discourse by Routledge has put forward a new model named transframing by incorporating framing in journalism with translation studies. 

I’m also interested in didactic research into translation and interpreting while being a practitioner in translation and conference interpreting. I’m a reviewer for Routledge book proposals and journals such as Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice and Language and Intercultural Communication.




  • Introduction to Translation and Interpreting


  • Professional Translation
  • Professional Interpreting
  • Translation and Interpreting Theory
  • Research Methodologies for Interpreting and Translation
  • Translation and Interpreting in International Politics and Law
  • Advanced Translation
  • Translating and Interpreting in Engineering, Science and Technology
  • Translating and Interpreting in Communications, Culture and the Media
  • IT for Translators

MA dissertation supervision on various topics related to translation and interpreting

PhD supervision

Current PhD candidates:

Lukasz Nowacki, Comparative Study of Dominant Media Frames in Major Global News Agencies (CCTV, CNN and Al Jazeera) – a Case Study on North Korea

Cora Chen, A Multimodal Analysis on Interpretativeness of US-China Consecutive Interpreting in Diplomatic Settings, jointly with Dr Derek Irwin.

Xiang Li, Policy study of cultural city branding innovation under the background of Belt and Road Initiative: A case study of Ningbo, jointly with Prof May Tan-Mullins.


Beijing University of Technology


  • Introduction to Interpreting between English and Chinese
  • Introduction to Translation between English and Chinese
  • Advanced Readings in English


  • Conference Interpreting
  • Translation and Interpreting Theory
  • History of Chinese Translation

Research Interests

Expertise Summary

Besides teaching and research, I am also a practitioner in both translation and interpreting, assignments carried out including consecutive and simultaneous interpreting at international conferences, such as the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, International Conference on Urban Planning & Design, World Top Brand Forum at CCTV 9, etc., as well as translation of media and technical articles for domestic press and international corporations. Since joining UNNC, I have interpreted on many occasions for the university such as the Unveiling Ceremony of the Sir Colin Campbell Sports Center, Parents’ Forum among others.

Research Interest

  • Sociocultural meanings of translation;
  • Media framing and translation studies;
  • Translation of texts with cultural-specific items;
  • Didactics of translation and interpretation
  • City branding
  • Mobile translation and language learning

Orcid Account:https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5281-9064

Education/Academic qualification


30 Sept 200915 Nov 2015

Award Date: 15 Nov 2015

Master, Translating for the Target Reader: Translation Project of Yuanming Yuan, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne

1 Sept 200116 Nov 2002

Award Date: 16 Nov 2002

External positions

Editorial Adviser, Routledge Encyclopedia of Chinese Studies, Routledge Taylor and Francis Group


Senior Research Fellow, Centre of Journalism Translation Studies, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

2019 → …

Person Types

  • Staff


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