Student theses
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YAG-based transparent ceramic fabrication and its application in LED/LD white lighting
LI, Y. (Author), Jiang, J. (Supervisor), Hanson, S. (Supervisor) & Pang, C. H. (Supervisor), 17 Mar 2025Student thesis: PhD Thesis
WEEE recycling and developing novel, continuous particle separator for recycling
WANG, Z. (Author), Miles, N. J. (Supervisor) & Hall, P. (Supervisor), 8 Jul 2019Student thesis: PhD Thesis
Thermal processing of microalgae into biofuels and advanced energy materials
CHEN, W. (Author), Wu, T. (Supervisor), Sun, C.-G. (Supervisor) & Fow, K. L. (Supervisor), 8 Jul 2019Student thesis: PhD Thesis
Thermal conversion and green utilisation of Chinese oil shale
MENG, Y. (Author), Pang, C.-H. (Supervisor), Wu, T. (Supervisor), Sun, C.-G. (Supervisor) & Snape, C. E. (Supervisor), 14 Nov 2020Student thesis: PhD Thesis
Thermal analysis of the synergistic influence of the organic and mineral constituents of biomass on coal and biomass fuel blends
OLADEJO, J. M. (Author), Adegbite, S. (Supervisor), Wu, T. (Supervisor) & Liu, H. (Supervisor), 8 Jul 2018Student thesis: PhD Thesis
The making of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy by electrolysis of compounded solid oxide precursors in molten calcium chloride
MA, M. (Author), Hu, D. (Supervisor) & Chen, G. (Supervisor), 8 Jul 2021Student thesis: PhD Thesis
The development of Ni based catalysts for carbon dioxide reforming of methane
CAO, P. (Author), Wu, T. (Supervisor), Adegbite, S. (Supervisor) & Lester, E. (Supervisor), 8 Nov 2017Student thesis: PhD Thesis
The development of catalysts and adsorbents for enhanced elemental mercury removal at ESPs and FGDs at coal-fired power stations
ZHANG, L. (Author), Song, F. (Author) & ZHAO, H. (Author), Wu, T. (Supervisor), 8 Sept 2021Student thesis: MRes Thesis
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Synthesis of porous materials for the removal of organic dyes in wastewater treatment
Lan, D. (Author), Wu, T. (Supervisor), Xu, M. (Supervisor) & Luo, X. (Supervisor), 13 Jul 2024Student thesis: PhD Thesis
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Synthesis, modification and application of metal organic frameworks and their derivatives
MU, X. (Author), Wu, T. (Supervisor) & George, M. (Supervisor), 6 Jun 2019Student thesis: PhD Thesis
Surface Ion and electron regulation strategies for rechargeable lithium metal batteries
Guo, Q. (Author), Hu, D. (Supervisor), Liu, Z. (Supervisor) & Chen, G. (Supervisor), Jul 2023Student thesis: PhD Thesis
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Study on the use of redox electrolytes in supercapacitors
AKINWOLEMIWA, B. (Author), Chen, G. Z. (Supervisor), Peng, C. (Supervisor) & Klumpner, C. (Supervisor), 8 Jul 2019Student thesis: PhD Thesis
Studies of the biomimetic synthesis of plumarellide
Zhou, T. (Author), Do, H. (Supervisor), Tang, B. (Supervisor) & Fow, K. L. (Supervisor), Mar 2024Student thesis: MRes Thesis
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Structure modulation strategies for improved Lithium-rich manganese-based positrode materials
Shi, Z. (Author), Hu, D. (Supervisor), Chen, G. Z. (Supervisor) & Liu, Z. (Supervisor), 15 Oct 2023Student thesis: PhD Thesis
Stable perovskite quantum dots synthesis for light-emitting diodes
Zhang, X. (Author), Wang, C. (Supervisor) & Ren, Y. (Supervisor), 15 Jul 2025Student thesis: PhD Thesis
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Solid acid catalysts for sustainable production of biodiesel
ZHANG, H. (Author), Wu, T. (Supervisor), Chen, G. Z. (Supervisor) & He, F. (Supervisor), 2 Jul 2016Student thesis: PhD Thesis
Single-source precursor deposition of low-toxicity sulphides for thin film photovoltaic devices
Bishop, M. T. (Author), Hu, D. (Supervisor) & Chen, G. (Supervisor), 8 Nov 2019Student thesis: PhD Thesis
Removal of CR(VI) in wastewater by MN/AL-LDH and its modified materials
XIE, C. (Author), Wu, T. (Supervisor) & Luo, X. (Supervisor), 8 Jul 2020Student thesis: MRes Thesis
Recovery of positive electrode active material from spent lithium-ion battery
Widijatmoko, S. D. (Author), Philip, H. (Supervisor), Peter, S. (Supervisor) & Mike, G. (Supervisor), 8 Nov 2020Student thesis: PhD Thesis
Rational design of functional covalent organic frameworks for the oxygen and Carbon Dioxide reduction reactions
Liu, M. (Author), He, J. (Supervisor), Hanson, S. (Supervisor), Chen, G. Z. (Supervisor) & Zeng, G. (Supervisor), Jul 2024Student thesis: PhD Thesis
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Rational design and performance study of solid-state lithium-oxygen batteries
GU, Z. (Author), Sun, Y. (Supervisor), Yao, X. (Supervisor), He, J. (Supervisor) & Chen, G. Z. (Supervisor), 15 Jul 2023Student thesis: PhD Thesis
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Quantum mechanical modelling of engineering nanostructures for CO2 adsorption and dissociation
ENUJEKWU, F. M. (Author), Do, H. (Supervisor), Xu, M. (Supervisor), Wu, T. (Supervisor) & George, M. (Supervisor), Jul 2022Student thesis: PhD Thesis
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Preparation and investigation of phosphate glass fibres and organic coupling agents for fully resorbable PGF/PCL composites
Tan, C. (Author), Rudd, C. (Supervisor), Ahmed, I. (Supervisor), Parsons, A. (Supervisor), Sharmin, N. (Supervisor) & Liu, X. (Supervisor), 8 Jul 2018Student thesis: PhD Thesis
Preparation, modification, and characterisation of Yolk-shell structure based catalysts for synthetic gas production
LIM, Z.-Y. (Author), Choy, K.-L. (Supervisor) & Yin, H. (Supervisor), 1 Jul 2017Student thesis: PhD Thesis
Polymerization mechanism, micro-macro properties, and carbonization of polyurethane foams
XU, J. (Author), Wu, T. (Supervisor), Chuang, P. (Supervisor) & Sun, W. (Supervisor), 8 Nov 2017Student thesis: PhD Thesis
Performance enhancement of organic solar cells via device engineering and their future potential applications
FANADY, B. (Author), Wu, T. (Supervisor), Xu, M. (Supervisor) & Lester, E. (Supervisor), 8 Oct 2021Student thesis: PhD Thesis
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Performance assessment of municipal solid waste management for a city in England: past and future perspectives
WANG, D. (Author), He, J. (Supervisor), Tang, Y.-T. (Supervisor), Long, G. (Supervisor) & Robinson, D. (Supervisor), 8 Nov 2020Student thesis: PhD Thesis
Oxide nanoparticle-doped molten carbonate salts for thermal energy storage
GUO, X. (Author)Chen, G. (Supervisor), 8 Jul 2020Student thesis: PhD Thesis
Oxidative potential of urban haze in a coastal area: chemical characterisation, source identification and lung deposition
CHEN, K. (Author), He, J. (Supervisor), Tang, B. (Supervisor) & Metcalfe, S. E. (Supervisor), Jul 2022Student thesis: PhD Thesis
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Oxidative potential and cancer risk of ambient particles in an urban coastal area of China: chemical characterization, source apportionment, and respiratory deposition
Famiyeh, L. (Author), He, J. (Supervisor), Snape, C. E. (Supervisor) & Guo, Q. (Supervisor), 15 Mar 2024Student thesis: PhD Thesis
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Optimising biochar preparation via biomass pyrolysis and activation for biomedical application
CUI, K. (Author), Pang, C. H. (Supervisor), Low, S. S. (Supervisor) & Lim, S. S. (Supervisor), 15 Jul 2025Student thesis: MRes Thesis
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Novel drug discovery from the perspective of iron metabolism and ferroptosis regulation in liver diseases
Ma, C. (Author), Pang, C. H. (Supervisor), Pan, G. (Supervisor), Zhu, Z. (Supervisor) & Rankin, R. (Supervisor), 17 Mar 2025Student thesis: PhD Thesis
Molten base carbonisation and activation of biomass for supercapacitor application
Egun, I. L. (Author), Hu, D. (Supervisor), Oct 2023Student thesis: PhD Thesis
Molecular simulation of CO2 mixtures
Li, T. (Author), Do, H. (Supervisor), Jul 2023Student thesis: MRes Thesis
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Modified Cu-based catalysts for electrochemical reduction of CO2 to multicarbon products
CHEN, Q. (Author), Wu, T. (Supervisor), Yin, H. (Supervisor) & Lester, E. (Supervisor), Nov 2024Student thesis: PhD Thesis
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Modification and characterisation of superior nickel-rich layered oxide cathodes for advanced lithium-ion batteries for EVs application
Zhang, X. (Author), Hall, P. (Supervisor), Wang, Z. (Supervisor) & Xia, Y. (Supervisor), 17 Mar 2025Student thesis: PhD Thesis
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Modelling of multiphase flow containing ionic liquids in a stirred tank reactor
Dong, J. (Author), Hu, B. (Supervisor), Yang, X. (Supervisor) & Miles, N. (Supervisor), 10 Nov 2017Student thesis: PhD Thesis
Microwave-enhanced thermal processing of algae
Hong, Y. (Author), Wu, T. (Supervisor), Sun, C.-G. (Supervisor) & Snape, C. (Supervisor), 8 Nov 2017Student thesis: PhD Thesis
Metal sulfide and MOF-derived photocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction
Zheng, Y. (Author), Wu, T. (Supervisor), Liu, M. (Supervisor) & Liu, H. (Supervisor), 17 Mar 2025Student thesis: PhD Thesis
Mesh-supported metal-organic framework thin films: fabrication and applications
YAP, M. H. (Author), Fow, K. L. (Supervisor), Wu, T. (Supervisor) & Lester, E. (Supervisor), 15 Jan 2019Student thesis: PhD Thesis
Mechanistic studies of Tsuji-Trost type reaction using density functional theory (DFT)
Xu, J. (Author), Pang, C. H. (Supervisor) & Tang, B. (Supervisor), Jul 2023Student thesis: PhD Thesis
Mechanistic studies of glycine betaine catalysed CO2 reduction using density functional theory
WU, Y. (Author), Hu, B. (Supervisor), Tang, B. (Supervisor) & Hirst, J. (Supervisor), Jul 2023Student thesis: PhD Thesis
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Mechanistic studies of first-row transition metal catalyzed homogeneous CO2 reduction via H2 using density functional theory
YAO, L. (Author), Tang, B. (Supervisor) & George, M. (Supervisor), 8 Jul 2021Student thesis: PhD Thesis
Mechanistic insights into Cu(Ⅱ) removal from aqueous solution by Camellia oleifera shell–reduced graphene oxide
Jiang, S. (Author), He, J. (Supervisor) & Sun, Y. (Supervisor), Mar 2022Student thesis: MRes Thesis
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Manufacture of yarns and textiles from novel resorbable phosphate-based glasses
Wang, Y. (Author), Sharmin, N. (Supervisor), Ahmed, I. (Supervisor), Parsons, A. (Supervisor), Liu, X. (Supervisor) & Rudd, C. (Supervisor), 8 Jul 2018Student thesis: PhD Thesis
Life cycle assessment and techno-economic analysis of sustainable ethanol production from industrial tail gas
ZHANG, L. (Author), Pang, C. H. (Supervisor), Kow, K. W. (Supervisor), Wei, W. (Supervisor) & Lester, E. (Supervisor), Nov 2024Student thesis: PhD Thesis
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Investigation on the use of recycled plastics in the production of automobile parts
GU, F. (Author), Hall, P. (Supervisor), Miles, N. (Supervisor) & Sun, W. (Supervisor), 14 Nov 2015Student thesis: PhD Thesis
Investigation on the quantitative analysis and upgrading of recycled plastic composites and blends
WANG, B. (Author), Hall, P. (Supervisor) & Summers, P. (Supervisor), 8 Jul 2021Student thesis: PhD Thesis
Investigation of swirl pipe for improving cleaning efficiency in closed processing system
LI, G. (Author), HALL, P. (Supervisor) & MILES, N. (Supervisor), 3 Jun 2016Student thesis: PhD Thesis
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Investigation into the improvement of recycled polypropylene for use in automobile manufacturing
ZHENG, Y. (Author), Hall, P. (Supervisor), Summers, P. (Supervisor) & George, M. (Supervisor), 8 Jul 2021Student thesis: PhD Thesis