Using instructional design to engage students in the development of educational experiences: the case of multimedia case studies

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedingBook Chapterpeer-review


The chapter shows the development of a format for multimedia case studies using a student-centred instructional design approach. The students' reception of the format is documented.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMeeting the teaching and learning challenges in 21st Century Higher Education: universal design
EditorsTina Byrom
Place of PublicationNewcastle upon Tyne
PublisherCambridge Scholars Publishing
Number of pages95
ISBN (Print) 9781527560154
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • instructional design
  • case studies
  • Blended learning


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MIANI, M. (2020). Using instructional design to engage students in the development of educational experiences: the case of multimedia case studies. In T. Byrom (Ed.), Meeting the teaching and learning challenges in 21st Century Higher Education: universal design (pp. 84). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.