Towards a circular economy in the aviation sector using eco-composites for interior and secondary structures. Results and recommendations from the EU/China project ECO-COMPASS

Jens Bachmann, XiaoSu Yi, Konstantinos Tserpes, Carmen Sguazzo, Lucia Gratiela Barbu, Barbara Tse, Constantinos Soutis, Eric Ramón, Hector Linuesa, Stéphane Bechtel

Research output: Journal PublicationArticlepeer-review

21 Citations (Scopus)
212 Downloads (Pure)


Fiber reinforced polymers play a crucial role as enablers of lightweight and high performing structures to increase efficiency in aviation. However, the ever-increasing awareness for the environmental impacts has led to a growing interest in bio-based and recycled ‘eco-composites’ as substitutes for the conventional synthetic con-stituents. Recently, the international collaboration of Chinese and European partners in the ECO-COMPASS pro-ject provided an assessment of different eco-materials and technologies for their potential application in aircraft interior and secondary composite structures. This project summary reports the main findings of the ECO-COM-PASS project and gives an outlook to the next steps necessary for introducing eco-composites as an alternative solution to fulfill the CLEAN SKY target.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)131
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 5 May 2021


  • aviation
  • interior
  • secondary structure
  • eco-composite
  • bio-composite
  • natural fiber
  • bio-based
  • life cycle assessment
  • Europe
  • China
  • international collaboration


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