Tailoring CuO-CeO2 active sites on strontium titanate/ultra-stable Y zeolite catalyst for photothermal catalytic oxidation of toluene

Ehiaghe Agbovhimen Elimian, Meng Zhang, Qiang Li, Yong Sun, Jun He, Hongpeng Jia

Research output: Journal PublicationArticlepeer-review

12 Citations (Scopus)


The utilization of photon energy and optimized oxygen activity is required for designing photothermal catalysts for volatile organic compound (VOC) oxidation. Herein, a redox reaction (Cu2+/Cu+↔O2−↔Ce3+/Ce4+) strategy was proposed to engineer a CuO-CeO2 bimetallic oxide on the strontium titanate-modified ultra stable Y for the photothermal catalytic combustion of toluene. The optimized CuOx-CeO2-x-STO/USY nanocomposite exhibited superior activity compared to STO/USY, CeO2-x-STO/USY, and CuOx-STO/USY catalyst, achieving 86.2 % toluene conversion and 76.6 % CO2 yield. The strong CuOx-CeO2-x interaction on the STO/USY surface significantly enhanced the amount and mobility of oxygen species (identified by XPS, EPR, and He/O2-TPD) providing the rich-surface chemistry that promotes the catalytic combustion of VOCs under irradiation. Light illumination provided thermal energy and stimulated the involvement of more lattice oxygen during toluene oxidation. Furthermore, in situ, DRIFTS studies demonstrate continuous regeneration of surface-reactive oxygen species and enhanced toluene oxidation. This work provides a strategy for improving photon utilization and oxygen activity over multifunctional composite materials for the efficient photothermal oxidation of VOCs.

Original languageEnglish
Article number126771
JournalSeparation and Purification Technology
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jul 2024


  • Active oxygen species
  • CuO-CeO interaction
  • Photothermal catalysis
  • Toluene oxidation
  • Ultra stable Y zeolite

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Filtration and Separation


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