Students' motivation and feedback on the learning potential from a virtual Minecraft event competition

Nai Yeen Gavin Lai, Yee Jiea Pang, Kok Hoong Wong, Lih Jiun Yu, Hooi Siang Kang

Research output: Journal PublicationArticlepeer-review


Minecraft is one of the most popular computer games that has caught the attention of educators all around the globe. The recent COVID-19 lockdown and restriction have reinforced the importance of embracing technology and being digitally proficient. Therefore, the use of technology must be an integral part of the teaching and student development process. Minecraft is a computer game with a huge following from enthusiasts and has also been recommended as a helpful learning resource for student development. Comprehending the value and potential of the infusion of technology into the learning experience, a completely online Minecraft contest for students in Malaysia was developed. This study shares and analyses the students’ engagement in the event and competition that was purposefully held for school-going children in Malaysia. The study’s findings are within the expectation of the initiators, where the events are seen as a positive, value-added activity to help reinforce students’ learning. Deeper insights into student’s opinions of the benefits and hosting routines were successfully attained. The results and findings will benefit educators’ future planning of events that support and improve students’ learning.
Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Learning and Teaching
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 21 Feb 2024


  • Minecraft
  • learning
  • online event
  • discord
  • feedback

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