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Personal profile

Personal profile

Moses Solomon is a seasoned material and corrosion scientist with internationally recognized teaching and research skills. Research is focused on organic synthesis, characterization, modification, and extensively on investigating materials corrosion and corrosion inhibition mechanisms on conventional polycrystalline as well as nanocrystalline surfaces. He has published 88 journal articles, 10 book/book chapters, and 10 conference papers presently. He has 4 patents (3 US and 1 Turkish) to his credit. His research interest includes:

  • electrochemical investigation of corrosion phenomena in different aqueous corrosive environments;
  • development of environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitors for desalination, oil and gas, and the construction industries; 
  • interface characterization, including adsorption and biosorption studies;
  • polymer synthesis and characterization, MOFs, and additives in polymer; 
  • organic coatings; and the
  • development of scale/corrosion inhibitors for carbonate reservoirs steam-flood wells.


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