Performance Evaluation of a Three-Level ANPC Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Inverter With 650-V SiC Devices and Optimized PWM

Davide Barater, Carlo Concari, Giampaolo Buticchi, Emre Gurpinar, Dipankar De, Alberto Castellazzi

Research output: Journal PublicationArticlepeer-review

139 Citations (Scopus)


Photovoltaic (PV) energy conversion has been on the spotlight of scientific research on renewable energy for several years. In recent years, the bulk of the research on PV has focused on transformerless grid-connected inverters, more efficient than traditional line transformer-based ones, but more critical from a power quality point of view, especially in terms of ground leakage current. Neutral-point-clamped (NPC) inverters have recently gained interest due to their intrinsically low ground leakage current and high efficiency, especially for MOSFET-based topologies. This paper presents an active NPC (ANPC) topology equipped with 650-V silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFETs, with a new modulation strategy that allows to reap the benefits of the wide-bandgap devices. An efficiency improvement is obtained due to the parallel operation of two devices during the freewheeling intervals. Simulations and experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed converter.

Original languageEnglish
Article number7370927
Pages (from-to)2475-2485
Number of pages11
JournalIEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2016
Externally publishedYes


  • Active neutral-point-clamped (ANPC)
  • photovoltaic power systems
  • power conversion efficiency
  • pulsewidthmodulated power converters
  • wide-bandgap semiconductors

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Control and Systems Engineering
  • Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering


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