Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Research activity per year


Search results

  • 2021


    Wang, Z. (Inventor), Hall, P. (Inventor) & Miles, N. (Inventor), 31 Aug 2021, Patent No. 201911272729.3, 11 Dec 2019

    Research output: Patent

  • 锂离子动力电池回收方法

    Translated title of the contribution: A Lithium battery recycling methodWIDIJATMOKO, S. D. (Inventor), Wang, Z. (Inventor), Hall, P. (Inventor) & Miles, N. (Inventor), 6 Oct 2021, Patent No. 202010302897.9, 16 Apr 2020

    Research output: Patent

  • 2018


    Translated title of the contribution: Pheumatic separator for recovery of waste materialsHall, P. (Inventor), Wang, Z. (Inventor), Fu, G. (Inventor) & Miles, N. (Inventor), 29 Oct 2018, Patent No. 2016100481903, 11 May 2016

    Research output: Patent

  • 2016


    Translated title of the contribution: Vibratory separator Hall, P. (Inventor), Wang, Z. (Inventor), Fu, G. (Inventor) & Miles, N. (Inventor), 27 Jul 2016, Patent No. 2016200794227, 25 Jan 2016

    Research output: Patent

  • 实用新型-气动分离装置

    Translated title of the contribution: Pheumatic separator for recovery of waste materials Hall, P. (Inventor), Wang, Z. (Inventor), Fu, G. (Inventor) & Miles, N. (Inventor), 8 Jun 2016, Patent No. 2016200701877, 25 Jan 2016

    Research output: Patent