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Personal profile

Personal profile

Dr. Wooi Ping Cheah has taught both undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the fields related to Information Technology or Computer Science, such as Programming, Algorithm Design and Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, and Computational Intelligence. He has involved in coordinating curriculum planning and design from undergraduate to postgraduate level, with programmes which have been successfully audited by the relevant qualification agencies. He has been able to publish a number of research papers as main author or a co-author in journals with high impact factors indexed by Web of Science, such as Expert Systems with Applications, Information Sciences, and Neural Computing and Applications. He has successfully obtained two national-level research grants as a project leader. With these research grants he has successfully supported the tuition fees and living expenses of a number of postgraduate students.



Reasoning about Programs

Data Structures and Algorithms

Algorithm Design and Analysis

Object-Oriented Programming

Logic Programming

Artificial Intelligence

Expert Systems

Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems

Computational Intelligence

Research Interests

Soft Computing (Fuzzy Cognitive Map, Bayesian Belief Network)

Knowledge Engineering (Modeling, Representation, Reasoning)

Software Engineering (Software Maintenance, Process Modeling)

Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning, Data Mining, Causal Discovery)

Programming Paradigms (Logic, Functional, Object-Oriented)

Person Types

  • Staff


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