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Personal profile

Research Interests

Solid waste reutilisation in construction materials

Functional pavement materials

Long-term stability of pavements

Personal profile

Dr Shu Liu obtained her Bachelor degree in Hydraulic and Hydropower Engineering from Sichuan University and MSc and PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Nottingham, UK. Following her PhD study, Dr Liu pursued a postdoctoral fellowship at the State Key Laboratory of Deep Geotechnical Mechanics and Underground Engineering at China University of Mining and Technology.

Currently, Dr Liu serves as an assistant professor in green chemicals and energy at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China and the China Beacons Institute. Her research interests span diverse areas, including the long-term performance of pavement materials under traffic loads, shakedown analysis of pavement, the sustainable use of solid waste in construction materials, and the development of novel pavement materials.

Dr Liu has been awarded several research grants, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China, and the Young Leading Talent in Science and Technology Innovation from Ningbo Science and Technology Bureau. She has published over 20 SCI journal papers and serves as a reviewer for over 10 international journals. 

Education/Academic qualification

Bachelor, Sichuan University

Master, University of Nottingham

PhD, University of Nottingham

Person Types

  • Staff


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