Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Research activity per year


Chaolu Yi

  • CAS - Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research
  • Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Zhijiu Elec-nuclide Science and Technology Co. Limited
  • Beijing Chronology Company
  • Tibet University

External person

Arjen P. Stroeven

  • Stockholm University

External person

Zhichao Li

  • CAS - Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research

External person

Jakob Heyman

  • Purdue University
  • University of Gothenburg

External person

Clas Hättestrand

  • Stockholm University

External person

Qian Zhang

  • University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • CAS - Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research
  • University of Bari
  • Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Friedrich Schiller University Jena
  • Shandong Normal University

External person

Jonathan M. Harbor

  • Purdue University

External person

Jinwei Dong

  • CAS - Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research
  • University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

External person

Ninglian Wang

  • Northwest University China

External person

Duncan Quincey

  • University of Leeds

External person

Nanshan You

  • CAS - Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research
  • University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

External person

Liping Zhou

  • Peking University

External person

Domenico Capolongo

  • University of Bari

External person

X. K. Xu

  • CAS - Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research
  • Chinese Academy of Sciences

External person

Xiaoyong Liao

  • CAS - Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research

External person

Qiao Liu

  • CAS - Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment

External person

Hua Liang Chen

  • Chinese Academy of Sciences

External person

Yingli He

  • CAS - Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research
  • University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

External person

Marc W. Caffee

  • Purdue University

External person

Guocheng Dong

  • Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • CAS - Institute of Earth Environment

External person

Jinhua Liu

  • University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • East China University of Technology

External person

Stuart Marsh

  • University of Nottingham

External person

Zhu Li Qiu

  • Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences

External person

Stephen Grebby

  • University of Nottingham

External person

Jinwei Dong

  • CAS - Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research

External person

R. Blomdin

  • Geological Survey of Sweden

External person

Zhipan Wang

  • Institute of Land and Resources Planning of Hunan Province

External person

Yao Jin

  • China Institute of Geo-Environment Monitoring

External person

Renrong Chen

  • Guangdong Eco-Engineering Polytechnic
  • Jiaying University

External person

Hai Bing Li

  • Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences

External person

Jonathan M. Harbor

  • Purdue University
  • Stockholm University

External person

Shijie Li

  • Chinese Academy of Sciences

External person

Ziyue Yu

  • Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • CAS - Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research
  • University of Nottingham

External person

Stuart Marsh

  • University of Nottingham

External person

Jiadi Yin

  • CAS - Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research

External person

Kaishan Song

  • CAS - Northeast Institute of Geography and Agricultural Ecology

External person

Yong Sun

  • Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Linyi University

External person

Hanfa Xing

  • Shandong Normal University
  • South China Normal University

External person

Jinwei Dong

  • CAS - Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research

External person

R. A.A. Schneider

  • Stockholm University

External person

Kexin Liu

  • Peking University

External person

Jianghao Wang

  • CAS - Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research

External person

Xiangzheng Deng

  • Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • CAS - Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research
  • University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

External person

Roland Zech

  • Friedrich Schiller University Jena

External person

Yuanyuan Di

  • CAS - Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research

External person

Yingkui Li

  • University of Tennessee, Knoxville

External person

Yubin Wu

  • University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Chinese Academy of Sciences

External person

Yetang Wang

  • Shandong Normal University

External person

Jianqiang Yang

  • Chinese Academy of Sciences

External person

Bin Liu

  • Chinese Academy of Sciences

External person

Li Sun

  • Chinese Academy of Agricultural Engineering

External person

Yanan Li

  • Texas State University

External person