Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Research activity per year


L. Li

  • University of Nottingham

External person

Salvador Cobos-Guzman

  • University of Nottingham

External person

Xin Dong

  • University of Nottingham
  • Rolls-Royce

External person

X. Wang

  • National Key Laboratory for Remanufacturing

External person

Fangjin Zhang

  • Design School, Loughborough University

External person

Mark Raffles

  • University of Nottingham

External person

J. He

  • Beihang University

External person

H. Guo

  • Beihang University

External person

Jinyi Li

  • Key Laboratory on Green Manufacturing and Reconfigurable Manufacturing Technologies

External person

D. Palmer

  • University of Nottingham

External person

Matthias Gruhler

  • Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation

External person

Rui Yang

  • CAS - Ningbo Institute of Material Technology and Engineering

External person

Y. Yin

  • National Key Laboratory for Remanufacturing
  • Nanjing University of Science and Technology

External person

James Kell

  • Rolls-Royce
  • On-Wing Technology
  • University of Nottingham

External person

Wei Sun

  • University of Nottingham

External person

Zhi Sheng Zhang

  • Sun Yat-Sen University
  • Zhejiang University

External person

Felix Messmer

  • Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation

External person

Sam Catchpole-Smith

  • University of Nottingham

External person

Kai Pfeiffer

  • Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation

External person

Guilin Yang

  • CAS - Ningbo Institute of Material Technology and Engineering
  • Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Robotics and Intelligent Manufacturing Equipment Technology
  • University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

External person

Ke Ge Xie

  • Southern University of Science and Technology

External person

A. Olarra

  • University of Nottingham

External person

X. Hou

  • University of Nottingham

External person

Marco Simonelli

  • University of Nottingham

External person