Understanding the value logics of family businesses

  • Daiteng REN

Student thesis: PhD Thesis


Business model research raises increasing attention in academia where, at a relatively general level, it concerns how firms are motivated towards achieving their economic goals , how they work to create value for their stakeholders and reach targets of economic growth and development . Similarly, the idea is raised that a business model is the method by which a company realizes its goals in both commercial and non-commercial ways. These arguments emphasize the importance of business models as strong support for the achievement of the firms’ financial goals, such as its profits, its market share, and the potential for growth and development. Moreover, the business model reflects to what extent the company may achieve its value in a strategic manner. In our research, we adopted a qualitative method and explored what kind of organisational value logics constitutes a family business model in value proposition, creation, exchange, and capture; taking a dynamic perspective, we investigate how a family business model develops value logics which are internalized over time; and given the dominant nature of the owning family, we examine how the owning family shapes the development of a family business model.
Date of AwardJul 2024
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Nottingham
SupervisorJin Chen (Supervisor) & Haibo Zhou (Supervisor)


  • Business Model
  • Family business
  • Institutional work
  • Family imprinting

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