MT4WS: An automated metamorphic testing system for web services

Chang Ai Sun, Guan Wang, Qing Wen, Dave Towey, Tsong Yueh Chen

Research output: Journal PublicationArticlepeer-review

12 Citations (Scopus)


The use of web services has been growing significantly, with increasingly large numbers of applications being implemented through the web. A difficulty associated with this development is the quality assurance of these services, specifically the challenges encountered when testing the applications - amongst other things, testers may not have access to the source code, and the correctness of the output may not be easily ascertained (known as the oracle problem). Metamorphic testing (MT) has been introduced as a technique to alleviate the oracle problem. MT makes use of properties of the software under test, known as metamorphic relations, and checks whether or not these relations are violated. Since MT does not require source code to generate the metamorphic relations, it is suitable for testing web services-based applications. We have designed an XML-based language representation to facilitate the formalisation of metamorphic relations, the generation of (follow-up) test cases, and the verification of the test results. Based on this, we have also developed a tool to support the automation of MT for web service applications. This tool has been used in an experiment to test web services, the evaluation of which is reported in this paper.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)104-115
Number of pages12
JournalInternational Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking
Issue number1-2
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Automatic testing
  • Metamorphic testing
  • Test oracle
  • Web services

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Software
  • Hardware and Architecture
  • Computer Networks and Communications


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Sun, C. A., Wang, G., Wen, Q., Towey, D., & Chen, T. Y. (2016). MT4WS: An automated metamorphic testing system for web services. International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking, 9(1-2), 104-115.