Evasion in a Linear Differential Game with Many Pursuers

Gafurjan Ibragimov, Tuychivoy Tursunaliev, Shravan Luckraz

Research output: Journal PublicationArticlepeer-review


We study a differential game of one evader and n pursuers on Rd,
where the control sets are given by the unit ball for the pursuers and the ball of
radius σ, where σ > 1, for the evader. Evasion is said to be possible if the state
of the evader doesn’t coincide with that of any pursuer for all t. We propose
a new evasion strategy which guarantees evasion from any initial positions of
the players. We use the strategy to show that the number of approach times
is bounded above by n(n + 1)/2.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages17
JournalDiscrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B
Publication statusPublished - May 2024


  • Differential game
  • Control
  • Evasion
  • Evasion strategy
  • Faster evader
  • Many pursuers


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