Dual-scale similarity-guided cycle generative adversarial network for unsupervised low-dose CT denoising

Feixiang Zhao, Mingzhe Liu, Zhihong Gao, Xin Jiang, Ruili Wang, Lejun Zhang

Research output: Journal PublicationArticlepeer-review

11 Citations (Scopus)


Removing the noise in low-dose CT (LDCT) is crucial to improving the diagnostic quality. Previously, many supervised or unsupervised deep learning-based LDCT denoising algorithms have been proposed. Unsupervised LDCT denoising algorithms are more practical than supervised ones since they do not need paired samples. However, unsupervised LDCT denoising algorithms are rarely used clinically due to their unsatisfactory denoising ability. In unsupervised LDCT denoising, the lack of paired samples makes the direction of gradient descent full of uncertainty. On the contrary, paired samples used in supervised denoising allow the parameters of networks to have a clear direction of gradient descent. To bridge the gap in performance between unsupervised and supervised LDCT denoising, we propose dual-scale similarity-guided cycle generative adversarial network (DSC-GAN). DSC-GAN uses similarity-based pseudo-pairing to better accomplish unsupervised LDCT denoising. We design a Vision Transformer-based global similarity descriptor and a residual neural network-based local similarity descriptor for DSC-GAN to effectively describe the similarity between two samples. During training, pseudo-pairs, i.e., similar LDCT samples and normal-dose CT (NDCT) samples, dominate parameter updates. Thus, the training can achieve equivalent effect as training with paired samples. Experiments on two datasets demonstrate that DSC-GAN beats the state-of-the-art unsupervised algorithms and reaches a level close to supervised LDCT denoising algorithms.

Original languageEnglish
Article number107029
JournalComputers in Biology and Medicine
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2023
Externally publishedYes


  • Generative adversarial network
  • Low-dose CT denoising
  • Unsupervised learning
  • Vision transformer

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Health Informatics
  • Computer Science Applications


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