Algorithmic imaginary in surveillance technicity: The renegotiation of minzu identity among China’s ethnic minority wanghongs on Douyin

Research output: Journal PublicationArticlepeer-review


This study investigates the role of Douyin, internationally known as TikTok, in shaping the presentation and perception of minzu (ethnicity) among ethnic minority wanghongs (internet celebrities) in China. It examines how Douyin’s techno-social environment, particularly the “surveillance technicity” embedded within its algorithms, interacts with the content production and engagement practices of ethnic minority creators, thereby co-constructing their self-perception and expression of ethnic identity. The paper emphasizes how wanghongs navigate both technology and identity, strategically crafting and materializing their minzu narratives within the constraints and opportunities of this digital platform. It highlights the complex interplay between Douyin’s algorithmic mechanisms and the emergent ethnic narratives of wanghongs, illustrating how Douyin is instrumental in the visibility, and renegotiation of ethnic identities among ethnic minority wanghongs. This analysis provides critical insights into the multifaceted impact of Douyin’s algorithms on the cultivation and transformation of ethnic identities within China’s digital spaces.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages22
JournalGlobal Media and China
Publication statusPublished - 18 Dec 2024


  • Douyin
  • Minzu
  • wanghong
  • ethnic minority
  • algorithm


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