A note on the relationship between the isotone assumption of the Abian-Brown fixed point theorem and Abian’s most basic fixed point theorem

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In a recent paper Xie et al. (Fixed Point Theory Appl. 2013:192, 2013) gave several extensions and some applications of the Abian-Brown (AB) fixed point theorem. While the AB fixed point theorem and its extensions (as well as other related fixed point theorems) assume that the mapping is isotone, this note shows that for single-valued finite maps this condition relates to the acyclicity of the map, which in turn relates to Abian’s (Nieuw Arch. Wiskd. XVI:184-185, 1968) most basic fixed point theorem for finite sets.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)129
JournalFixed Point Theory and Applications
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 29 May 2014


  • Fixed point theorem
  • Isotone assumption


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