设计治理: 治理视域下的博物馆文创及其治理工具设计

Translated title of the contribution: Design Governance: Museum Cultural Creativity and Its Tool Design from a Perspective of Governance

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review

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本书在引荐马修·卡莫纳“设计治理”工具包的基础上,立足于设计学(特别是社会创新设计思想) ,从治理视角出发对博物馆文创的治理进行了对策设计。在全书中,笔者对隐藏在设计、博物馆、文创等概念中的治理成分进行了分析,研究了各概念中的治理经验,并对博物馆文创产业进行了专题调研与问题归纳,最后,本书围绕了国家文化建设目标与产业自身问题,设计了面向文博文创高质量发展的治理工具包,能为治理者提供治理工具选择与设计上的启发,引导他们实现文博文创治理的创新。
Translated title of the contributionDesign Governance: Museum Cultural Creativity and Its Tool Design from a Perspective of Governance
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Place of Publication杭州
Number of pages179
ISBN (Print)9787308237154
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2023


  • Design Governance
  • Museum
  • Cultural and Creative Product
  • Cultural and Creative Industries
  • Design Thinking

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Cultural Studies
  • Museology
  • Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

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