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Personal profile

Personal profile

Dr. Fengfeng XIE is an Assistant Professor in Management Science and Analytics at Nottingham University Business School China. He received his PhD degree of Management Science and Engineering from School of Business Administration, South Chain University of Technology. He also earned a PhD degree from the Department of Management Sciences, City University of Hong Kong under the Joint Phd Programme (Mainland Collaboration Scheme). He received his undergraduate degree in Industrial Engineering from the Northeastern University (Qinhuangdao). His research interests include sustainable operations management under environmental regulations, global supply chain opertiaons and co-opetition game theoretic models.  His publications have appeared in International Journal of Production Economics, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, International Journal of Production Research, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, and Omega.


Research Interests

Sustainable Operations Management

Global Supply Chain Management

Co-opetition Game Theoretic Models


Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Operations and Supply Chain Strategy and Practice

Collaboration Opportunities

Ph.D. opportunities: If you are interested in operations management ( i.e.,  global supply chain operations, green supply chain operations, supply chain resilience and supply chain co-opetition), you are welcome to email me with your CV and transcript.

Education/Academic qualification

PhD, Management Sciences, City University of Hong Kong

1 Sept 20203 Oct 2023

Award Date: 3 Oct 2023

PhD, Management Science and Engineering , South China University of Technology

1 Sept 201930 Jun 2023

Award Date: 25 Jun 2023

Bachelor, Industrial Engineering, Northeastern University China

1 Sept 201428 Jun 2018

Award Date: 28 Jun 2018


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