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Personal profile

Dr Bora Kim is an Assistant Professor in Economics at Nottingham University Business School China (NUBS China), University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC). She completed her Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Southern California. Her research interests broadly lie in econometrics and applied microeconomics, with a special focus on causal inference, and network data. Her dissertation focused on developing econometric methods for causal inference under spillover effects. Specifically, she developed a method for identifying spillover effects using network data, and a method for analyzing a clustered randomized experiment under spillover or general equilibrium effects using difference-in-differences type identification strategy. Her works also include an exploration on instrumental variables (IV) methods and mediation analysis. She has been a teaching assistant for various Econometrics and Statistics courses at the University of Southern California. Before starting her Ph.D., she worked as an assistant researcher at Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC) and Korea Expressway Corporation (KEX). 

Research Interests

Econometrics, with a special focus on causal inference, program evaluation, and network models. 

Person Types

  • Staff


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