The formation mechanisms of HfO2 located in different positions of oxide scales on ni-al alloys

Xuezhen Cao, Jian He, Hao Chen, Bangyang Zhou, Liang Liu, Hongbo Guo

Research output: Journal PublicationArticlepeer-review

30 Citations (Scopus)


HfO2 tends to grow on Hf-containing alloys during high-temperature oxidation and significantly affects the oxidation resistance. In this paper, cyclic oxidation behavior of single β-phase Ni-49.9Al, γ’-phase Ni-25Al and binary phase (γ’+β) Ni-33Al alloys doped with Hf was investigated at 1100 °C. HfO2 was located at different positions of the oxide scale grown on the above alloys. The HfO2 was distributed linearly within Al2O3 scale in Ni-49.9Al-0.1Hf whilst HfO2 primarily appeared along the spinel/Al2O3 interface in Ni-25Al-0.1Hf and Ni-33Al-0.1Hf. In addition, the specific distribution of HfO2 in Ni-33Al-0.1Hf was analyzed by HAADF-STEM and the corresponding formation mechanisms were proposed.

Original languageEnglish
Article number108481
JournalCorrosion Science
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2020


  • A. Intermetallics
  • A. Rare earth elements
  • B. STEM
  • C. Oxidation
  • C. Segregation

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Chemistry
  • General Chemical Engineering
  • General Materials Science


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