Supportive learning environments at elementary level in China

Lili Hernández-Romero, Xiaokun Sun

Research output: Journal PublicationArticlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


Since the first curriculum reform in the 1990s, education reforms in China have aimed at creating a student-centred education model based on creativity. The effectiveness of such strategies is, however, questionable. This paper explores the current level of supportive learning environment at elementary schools. Through empirical research conducted at a primary school in China, the study sheds light on situations that affect the implementation of creativity at school. The researchers adopted qualitative methodologies for the examination of three aspects: classroom activities, teaching behaviour and assessments. The results suggest that, to a certain extent, teachers at the selected primary school are aware of the significance of facilitating a creative learning environment. Interviews with students and researchers’ observations demonstrate, nonetheless, that strategies to foster student creative potential are put into practice at a very low level, bringing forth a learning environment that is far from creative.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)325-347
Number of pages23
JournalEducational Research for Policy and Practice
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2021


  • China
  • Creativity
  • Education reform
  • Elementary school
  • Learning environment
  • Policy
  • Teachers

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Education
  • Sociology and Political Science


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