Robust datamining

Aickelin Uwe

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

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Our long-term research goal is to develop datamining methodologies that are robust to changes in data and uncertainty. By robust we mean solutions remain ‘optimal’ when things change or are easily repaired. Broadly, this robustness can be achieved in two ways: One, by having ‘slack’ in the solution or two, by constructing the solution such that is easily repairable, e.g. failures are isolated.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 5 Mar 2017
Event4th Asia Pacific Conference on Advanced Research (APCAR - Mar, 2017) - Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 4 Mar 20175 Mar 2017


Conference4th Asia Pacific Conference on Advanced Research (APCAR - Mar, 2017)


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