title = "“It has been a wordy war”. Die Fr{\"u}hphase des Schulstreits in Belgien, Frankreich und den Niederlanden im Vergleich und die Transnationalen Grundlagen der “Culture Wars”, 1857-1870",
keywords = "Religion and politics, Church and state",
author = "Christian Mueller",
note = "English: “It has been a wordy war.” The origins and early phases of the school conflict in Belgium, France and the Netherlands in comparative perspective and the transnational foundations of the “Culture Wars”, 1857-1870",
year = "2014",
language = "德语",
isbn = "9783525310212",
pages = "116",
editor = "Thies Schulze and Christian Mueller",
booktitle = "Grenz{\"u}berschreitende Religion. Vergleichs- und Kulturtransferstudien zur neuzeitlichen Geschichte",
publisher = "Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht Verlage",
address = "德国",