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Personal profile

Personal profile

Dr. Hao Tan is a Professor in Management and the Associate Dean of Education and Student Experience at Nottingham University Business School China. Prior to joining the University of Nottingham Ningbo China in January 2024, Professor Hao Tan worked and held leadership roles in several Australian universities, most recently serving as the Deputy Head of School at the University of Newcastle’s Newcastle Business School. Before entering academia, he had extensive industry experience, including working as a project management officer and corporate lecturer at Huawei Technologies.

Prof Tan’s research is predominantly focused on energy and resource transitions from a management research perspective. His scholarly work has appeared in leading journals, such as Nature, Foreign Affairs, Journal of World Business, California Management Review, Management and Organization Review, Journal of Business Research, among others. Dr Tan was one of the chief investigators on a recent Australian Research Council Discovery Project that explores East Asia’s clean energy shift (2019-2023), and also collaborated as co-investigator on research grants provided by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the National Social Science Foundation of China. He is the sole author of the forthcoming book, ‘China’s International Energy Relations: The Impact of Transition from Fossil Fuels to Renewables’, to be published by Cambridge University Press.

Professor Tan is currently an Associate Editor for Technological Forecasting and Social Change (an JCR Q1 journal) and Springer’s Circular Economy and Sustainability journal. He also sits on the editorial board for Management and Organization Review, and acted as a guest editor for special issues in journals such as Technological Forecasting and Social Change and Management and Organization Review. He has acted as a reviewer for over 40 international academic journals spanning across the fields of management, energy, and environment research, such as One Earth, Joule, Journal of World Business, Global Strategy Journal, Energy Policy, Applied Energy, and Environment Politics. He has served as an assessor for national and international funding bodies, such as the Australian Research Council, the British Academy, the Austrian Science Fund, and the Hong Kong Research Grants Council. Additionally, he has examined PhD Theses from University of Sydney, University of Melbourne, RMIT University, and Deakin University.

Prof Hao Tan is a recipient of multiple Teaching & Learning Awards and is frequently invited to share his expertise at various institutions, such as for Toulouse Business School’s DBA program and Emlyon Business School’s International DBA program.

Prof Tan is a regular contributor to highly regarded English- and Chinese-language media outlets, such as the UK Financial Times’ Chinese website, Australia’s The Conversation, South China Morning Post,, Singapore's Lian He Zao Bao, and China’s Caijing etc, primarily revolving topics on China's energy and resource industries as well as its environment and climate policy. He has been sought after for insight and interviews by an array of international and domestic media agencies such as BBC, Voice of America, ABC, SBS, CGTV, and China Radio International, among others.

Professor Hao Tan welcomes inquiries from prospective candidates interested in pursuing PhD studies under his supervision.


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