Supply chain resilience: a study on antecedents and consequences under diverse contexts

  • Murtaza FARUQUEE

    Student thesis: PhD Thesis


    The core objective of this research is to explore, conceptualize, and examine supply chain resilience capabilities along with its critical antecedents and consequences from a buyer-supplier relationship perspective. This research addresses both conceptual and empirical gaps in the extant literature on supply chain resilience capabilities. This research has been divided into three parts; first, a typological framework is developed to conceptualize the multi-capability construction of proactive and reactive context of supply chain resilience capabilities. Second, the role of digital transformation in the supply chain for joint problem-solving and supply chain resilience capabilities development is explored. Third, this study examines the direct and indirect impact of environmental dynamism on supply chain resilience. Buyer-supplier relationship constructs like communication and conflict and relational governance mechanisms like trust and contracts are also utilized in this research. For the empirical assessment in this research, a cross-sectional survey data is used to draw conclusions through multiple quantitative research tools and techniques. The findings from this research could help supply chain researchers and professionals better conceptualize resilience through a multi-capability and interorganizational perspective. It explains how to take better advantage of a dynamic business environment to be proactively resilient through balancing contractual and trust-based governance. Moreover, this study could guide on improving digital transformation when it comes to supply chain resilience. Overall, this research can serve as not only a holistic guidance on supply chain resilience capabilities of the 21st century for supply chain managers, but also a starting point for many interesting future research questions.
    Date of AwardJul 2022
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • University of Nottingham
    SupervisorAntony Paulraj (Supervisor) & Chandra Irawan (Supervisor)


    • Supply chain resilience
    • buyer-supplier relationship
    • risk and disruption
    • resilience capability
    • relational governance

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