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Personal profile

Research Interests

Eye-Brain Joint Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Medical Image Processing, Medical Robotics, Ocular Imaging

Personal profile

Jimmy Liu graduated from the Department of Computer Science of the University of Science and Technology of China in 1988. He further obtained his master and doctoral degrees in Computer Science from the National University of Singapore. In 2004, he started the Intelligent Medical Imaging Research Team (iMED Singapore, A*STAR) and grew it to become one of the world's largest ophthalmic medical image processing team, focusing on ophthalmic Artificial Intelligence research. Jimmy was the chairman of the IEEE Singapore Biomedical Engineering Society in Singapore.

In March 2016, Jimmy returned to China and founded the iMED China (Ningbo) team. He was the senior professor and founding director of the Cixi Institute of Biomedical Engineering (CIBE) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

In February 2019, he joined the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the Southern University of Science and Technology to establish iMED China(Shenzhen. He is devoting his time to more fundamental eye-brain imaging, Artificial Intelligence, precision medicine, and surgical robotics research.


Teach Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing, Medical Image Processing, Multimedia courses, etc.

Person Types

  • Staff


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